Our Fleet

Early on, we recognized that the existing fleet of conventional OSVs operating in
the Gulf of Mexico was not capable of meeting the complex demands of deepwater,
deep well and other logistically demanding projects. So in 1997, we began a
program to construct technologically advanced new generation OSVs using the
proprietary designs of our in-house engineering team.
At Hornbeck Offshore, we don’t simply build what we think our customers want. Instead, we involve them in the process, asking them what they need, what they don’t need and what they might like to have. We then engage our in-house engineering team and utilize their high level of industry operating experience to design proprietary vessels for specific purposes. The team then translates their unique skills into custom marine engineering solutions for our customers.

Since 2007, we have expanded our new generation fleet from 25 OSVs focused in the GoM to 62 OSVs and 10 MPSVs upon completion of our fifth OSV newbuild program. These vessels primarily operate in our three core geographic markets, the GoM, Brazil and Mexico, as well as in other select international regions. We believe we are one of the top operators of ultra hi-spec new generation OSVs worldwide and in the GoM and that our fleet is among the youngest in the industry. All of our OSVs have enhanced capabilities that allow us to more effectively support the premium drilling equipment required for deep-well, deepwater and ultra-deepwater drilling and to provide specialty services. In contrast to conventional OSVs, our vessels have dynamic positioning systems, greater fuel efficiency and speed, more cargo space, better safety characteristics, greater transit range and higher-volume transfer rates for liquid mud and dry bulk materials. These features are essential to the efficient servicing of complex offshore drilling projects given the typical size, depth and location of such projects.
Many of our vessels can be completely customized and configured to meet your needs.
If you have additional questions or more specific requirements, please contact the us at (985)727-6945 or send us an email.